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The Winds Camp

The Winds of Hawaii

Christian Camping Association

To provide a unique setting and program through which the
          Holy Spirit can confront the individual with the claims of Christ
          and excite potential leaders with their God-given task.


Years ago a small group of individuals formed Hawaii Christian Camping Association.  This association included Christian Liberty Academy (previously Christian Liberty School), and its summer program: the Winds Christian Camp.  25 years later Christian Liberty Ministries, located in Keaau, HI, still strives to reach young people with the gospel.

Whether it’s through education (Christian Liberty Academy and Pre-school) or through summer camping programs (the Winds Christian Camp) the goal is still the same.

We use four different programs to reach young people of all different ages and from all walks of life.  They are: VBS, Overnight Camp, the STORM, and SWAT.  

*The Winds Camp is currently on a hiatus*

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