Upcoming Events
- Friday, Feb. 23 – Saturday, Feb. 24: Rummage Sale (see flyer)
- Monday, Feb. 26: High School Winter Sports Banquet (see flyer)
- Friday, Mar. 1 – Elementary Reading Week Kickoff (see flyer)
- Friday, Mar. 1 – Friday, Mar. 8: Elementary Reading Week
- Fri & Sat, Mar. 1 & 2 – High School Boys Volleyball Maui Tournament
- Friday, Mar. 8: Quarter 2 ends
- Friday, Mar. 8 – Thursday, Mar. 21 – High School Historical trip
- Monday, Mar. 11 – Friday, Mar. 22: Spring Break (no school)
- Monday, Mar. 25 – Quarter 4 begins (back to school)
- Friday, Mar. 29 – Good Friday (no school)
- Friday, Apr. 26: Walk in the Park
High School Spring Sports
- Boys’ Volleyball
- Running Club (Jr. High and High School)

Thank you for attending our PTF meeting!
Click here to view a PDF of what was covered at the meeting.

Art Contest
Congratulations to Lauryn Yanazaki for winning First Place, over all in the 7th grade category in the Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation 14th Annual Inspired in Hawaii “Acts of Kindness” Contest. The contest took place in November of 2023, open to all schools on all islands to participate. There were more than 1200 entries and a total of $20K cash prizes.

Hawaii District Science and Engineering Fair
Last Saturday (February 17), three CLA seniors competed in the Hawaii District Science and Engineering Fair. Kaila Conley and Bethany deLoach entered a project analyzing the light curve of GW Psc, an eclipsing binary star; Makala Hayashida entered a project calculating the mass and average ages of two galaxy clusters. Kaila and Bethany won third place in the physical science category, and as a result of her participation, Kaila was awarded a Chancellor’s Scholarship to UH Hilo. Makala won first place in the physical science category and fifth place overall; his project won the Institute for Astronomy award and qualified for States. We are proud of the hard work and scientific achievement of all three of these students; please congratulate them when you see them!

Click here to learn more about the program.

High School Boys’ Volleyball
Players must have a valid sports physical on file to participate.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 3:30PM – 5:00PM
- Thursday & Friday: 3:30PM – 5:30PM
- Dates/times will vary depending on game schedule
- Wednesday, Feb. 28 Parker @ CLA
- Fri & Sat, Mar. 1 & 2 – King Kekaulike BVB Tournament
- Tuesday, Mar. 5 CLA @ Honoka’a
Contact Mr. Orozco at jorozco@clahawaii.org if you have any questions.

We’ve partnered with GoFan to offer digital tickets for our home games this season (*cash option will still be available).
6 Game Season Pass is available to get you into all of our home games this season (saving you 20% compared to buying adult tickets separately & also cheaper than the cash option).
*Immediate family members of players will receive complimentary tickets.
Running Club (Jr. High & High School)
- Mondays & Wednesdays 3:15PM – 4:30PM
- See Team Reach for more details and updates.
Participants must have a valid sports physical on file to participate.
Contact Mrs. Felipe at jfelipe@clahawaii.org for further questions.