Upcoming Events
- September 20-October 4: Ola’a Frozen Steak Sale
- Tuesday, September 26: School Picture Day
- Wednesday, September 27: Fifth Grade Fundraiser
- Friday, October 6: Last day of 1st Quarter
- Friday, October 6: Frozen Steak Pick-Up
- Saturday, October 7: Ola’a Fest
- October 9-13: Fall Break (no school)
High School Fall Sports Schedules

Fifth grade will be selling fried rice for $6 this Wednesday, along with other yummy goods. Mahalo for your support!

Sign-up to bake or donate for the Ola’a Bake Sale

PRE-ORDER ANDAGI (Okinawan Doughnuts)
Pick- up SATURDAY, October 7 at Ola`a Family Fest from 10- 3pm by the Canefire Kitchen.
All proceeds will go to help families in need on Maui. Mahalo for helping!

High School Cross Country
PRACTICES: MWF 3:30-5:00pm, TuTh 6:15-7:20am
- Sat., Sep. 23 @ Kamehameha: Boys @ 9:00am / Girls @ 9:45am
- Sat., Sep. 30 @ Waiki’i Ranch: Boys @ 9:00am / Girls @ 9:45am
- Fri., Oct. 6 @ HPA: TBA
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Rimel at trimel@clahawaii.org
High School Girls Volleyball
PRACTICES: MTuWThF 3:30 – 5:30pm
- Sat., Sep. 23 CLA @ Kanu: 10:00am
- Mon., Sep. 25 Ka’u @ CLA: 5:00am (originally scheduled Oct. 7)
- Wed., Sep. 27 St. Joseph @ CLA: 6:00pm
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Lorenzo at aklorenzo@clahawaii.org

High School Air Riflery
PRACTICES: MTuThF 3:30 – 5:30pm
- Sat., Sep. 23 @ Kamehameha: 9:00am
- Sat., Sep. 30 @ Waiakea: 9:00am
- Sat., Oct. 14 @ Waiakea: 9:00am
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gray at bgray@clahawaii.org
Parent Corner 37
We want secure, confident children who feel empowered to take on every challenge they face. Much of that is determined by the words we use. Let’s talk about it.