Upcoming Events
- Friday, October 6: Last day of 1st Quarter
- Friday, October 6: Frozen Steak Pick-Up
- Saturday, October 7: Ola’a Fest (map included)
- October 9 – 13: Fall Break (no school)
- October 19-20: Parent Teacher Conferences, dismissal @ 12:15pm (PRESCHOOL / ELEMENTARY ONLY)
- November 8 – 10: High School Spiritual Retreat
- Friday, November 10: Veteran’s Day (no school)
- November 23 – 24: Thanksgiving Holiday (no school)
High School Fall Sports Schedules

Sign-up to bake or donate for the Ola’a Bake Sale

PRE-ORDER ANDAGI (Okinawan Doughnuts)
Pick- up SATURDAY, October 7 at Ola`a Family Fest from 10- 3pm by the Canefire Kitchen.
All proceeds will go to help families in need on Maui. Mahalo for helping!

High School Cross Country
PRACTICES: MWF 3:30-5:00pm, TuTh 6:15-7:20am
- Fri., Oct. 6 @ HPA: Boys @ 3:30pm / Girls @ 4:15pm
- Sat., Oct. 21 @Kea’au: Boys @ 9:00am / Girls @ 9:45am
- Sat., Oct. 28 @ HPA (BIIFs): Boys @ 9:00am / Girls @ 9:45am
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Rimel at trimel@clahawaii.org
High School Girls Volleyball
PRACTICES: MTuWThF 3:30 – 5:30pm
- Sat., Oct. 14 CLA @ Kohala: 10:0oam
- Mon., Oct. 16 Honoka’a @ CLA: 5:00pm (originally scheduled Oct. 11)
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Lorenzo at aklorenzo@clahawaii.org
High School Air Riflery
PRACTICES: MTuThF 3:30 – 5:30pm
- Sat., Oct. 14 @ Kamehameha: 9:00am
- Sat., Oct. 21 @ Hilo: 9:00am
- Tues., Oct. 31 @ Blaisdell, Oahu: States
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gray at bgray@clahawaii.org
Parent Corner
Every parent wants healthy communication with their children; especially their teenage children. Today we’re talking about how to prepare, nurture and thrive with it.