Donate – Canefire Productions

CANEFIRE PRODUCTIONS Equipment / Tech Upgrades  November 2016 – January 2017

Our Goal is to raise $15,000!


It was never the plan to have annual school plays. What started from a music appreciation class 25 years ago has developed into a highly anticipated community event where high school through pre-school students work working together to bring forth original productions.

Being the most affordable private Christian school in the state of Hawaiʻi , faculty and students need to get very creative in their problem solving when they encounter a tool or technology roadblock.

The goal of this fundraiser is two fold.

The first is to better equip our Productions students with current technology that will further inspire their creativity and the projects they are working on, the annual school play being one of the many projects they work on throughout the year.

Secondly, the funds raised will also go towards renovating and repairing the stage area of the Rosie “O” Pavillion, the main location of the annual school play.

Our hope is to hit our goal by January 2017 so that all renovations and upgrades will be in place for our 25th annual production of “Desert Rain” in March 2017.

Cost Breakdown:

Rosie “O” Renovations

Rebuilding of Side Stage – $1,500.00 (Donated)

Stage Flooring – $1,500.00

Back Stage Area – $1,800.00

Production Equipment

Canon XC10 4K Camera – $4,000.00

Canon T5 DSLR (2x) – $1,000.00 (Donated)

Sony Shotgun Microphone – $300.00 (Donated)

Post Production

Computer AV Editing Stations w/ Editing Software (2x) – $4,000.00

Post Production Equipment – $3,700.00

Total – $15,000

We are asking for donations that will go towards:

  • Production Equipment – $4,000.00
    • Canon XC10 4K – $4,000.00
    • Canon T5 (2) – $1,000.00 (donated)
    • Sony Shotgun Microphone – $300.00 (donated)
  • Post Production Equipment – $7,700.00
    • Two Computer Stations w/ Video Editing Software – $4,000.00
    • Post Production Equipment – $3,700.00
  • Rosie “O” Renovations – $4,000.00
    • Re-Building of Side Stage – $1,500.00 (donated)
    • Stage Flooring – $1,500.00
    • Back Stage Area – $1,800.00

We are hoping to hit our Goal by January 2017 so that all renovations and upgrades will be in place for our 25th annual production of “Desert Rain” in March 2017.


Click Here to Donate to Canefire Productions

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